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Non-Discrimination Policies

American YouthWorksAmeriCorps

American YouthWorks Policy

Non-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Respect

American YouthWorks (AYW) is committed to maintaining a work atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding – an environment that is free of disrespect, harassment, or discrimination. At AYW, we treat people with respect and dignity, with a particular emphasis on honoring the multicultural community of AYW. There is no room for illegal or unfair treatment. AYW is committed to the principles of non-discrimination, harassment, and respect in all of its operations, employment opportunities, educational programs, and other related activities. Additionally, we prohibit retaliation against individuals who have complained of discrimination or participate in any investigation.

Non Discrimination

At American YouthWorks, we value all employees as unique individuals and we welcome the variety of experiences they bring to our company. As such, we have a strict non-discrimination policy. We believe everyone should be treated equally regardless of:

  • Race
  • Color
  • Religion
  • National origin
  • Pregnancy or Parental status
  • Gender identity or expression
  • Sexual orientation
  • Marital/civil union status
  • Ancestry
  • Place of birth
  • Age
  • Citizenship status
  • Military or Veteran status
  • Political affiliation
  • Genetic information or disability, or any other characteristic protected by law

We also expressly forbid discrimination in hiring, terms of employment, tenure, promotion, placement and discharge of employees, training, related AYW sanctioned activities, and use of facilities. Additionally, we prohibit retaliation against individuals who have complained of discrimination or participate in any investigation.


This policy aims to address and prevent antagonistic situations that violate the dignity of employees. It pertains to single or repeated incidents of intimidation, humiliations, degradation, bullying, or other undesirable verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct toward one person or a group of people.

1. Sexual Harassment

American YouthWorks prohibits sexual harassment of all kinds. This policy applies to employees and participants, partners, guests, vendors, and anyone else doing business with American YouthWorks. Any employee who feels they have been a victim of sexual harassment, or who believes they have witnessed sexual harassment, should (if possible) directly and immediately inform the harasser that the conduct is unwelcome and they must stop. The victim should also notify their manager and Human Resources department immediately.

Sexual harassment constitutes discrimination and is illegal under federal, state and local laws. For the purposes of this policy, “sexual harassment” is defined, as in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Guidelines, as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when, for example:

  • Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment,
  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or
  • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 recognizes two types of sexual harassment:

  • Quid pro quo and
  • Hostile work environment.

Sexual harassment may include a range of subtle and not-so-subtle behaviors and may involve individuals of the same or different gender. Depending on the circumstances, these behaviors may include unwanted sexual advances or requests for sexual favors; sexual jokes and innuendo; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; commentary about an individual’s body, sexual prowess or sexual deficiencies; leering, whistling or touching; insulting or obscene comments or gestures; display in the workplace of sexually suggestive objects or pictures; and other physical, verbal or visual conduct of a sexual nature.

2. Harassment

Harassment on the basis of any other protected characteristic is also strictly prohibited. Under this policy, harassment is verbal, written or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his or her race, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital/civil union status, ancestry, place of birth, age, citizenship status, veteran status, political affiliation, or any other characteristic protected by law, or that of their relatives, friends or associates, and that:

  • Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment,
  • Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance, or
  • Otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment opportunities.

Harassing conduct includes epithets, slurs or negative stereotyping; threatening, intimidating or hostile acts; denigrating jokes; and written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group that is placed on walls or elsewhere on the employer’s premises or circulated in the workplace, on company time or using company equipment by e-mail, phone (including voice messages), text messages, social networking sites or other means.

One or more of the following tests may help determine whether particular terms are unacceptable:

  • Whether employees would feel discriminated against or insulted if someone else who is different from them were to use that term when referring to staff or speaking to them about someone else,
  • Whether referring to employees or another person in such a way would tend to segregate staff,
  • Whether such terminology tends to perpetuate racial, ethnic gender, or other stereotypes, and
  • Whether such terms would make a person feel picked on, belittled, or needled.

While the content of such a statement can be important in judging whether the statement violates this policy in general, AYW will consider any such language unacceptable and will follow up on any complaints it receives.


AYW seeks to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for all employees, of all backgrounds and identities. Workplace interactions that constitutes disrespect and rudeness in the workplace can devastate company morale and create a toxic working environment. It goes beyond how employees deal with each other, often times, those who exhibit disrespectful behavior with colleagues are often rude to others. American YouthWorks is committed to maintaining a working environment that encourages mutual respect promotes collaborative relationships amongst staff, and is free from all forms of harm, which may be caused by disrespectful behavior.

Consistent with this and other relevant policies, employees are expected to refrain from disrespectful behavior. While not intended to list all the forms of behavior that are considered disrespectful and unacceptable, the following are examples of conduct that may result in disciplinary action and, in some cases, immediate dismissal:

  • Distributing or displaying electronic or written materials or messages that are abusive, profane, threatening, defamatory or offensive material within the workplace
  • Engaging in bullying or hazing;
  • Fighting or threatening, violence retribution, litigation, or financial harm; shouting or engaging in other speech, conduct or mannerisms that are reasonably perceived to represent intimidation or harassment;
  • Making comments or engaging in behavior that is untruthful or directed as a personal attack on the professional conduct of others
  • Making or telling denigrating jokes that are intended to be, or that are perceived by others to be, crude or offensive; teasing, name calling, ridicule or making someone the brunt of pranks or practical jokes;
  • Micro-aggressions or commonplace daily verbal, behavioral or environmental slights, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative attitudes toward stigmatized or culturally marginalized groups;
  • Improper conduct leading to damage of agency, customer, or co-worker’s property,
  • Sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment or touching
  • Throwing tools, office equipment, or objects as an expression of anger, criticism, or threat, or in an otherwise disrespectful or abusive manner;
  • Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information,
  • Using racial or ethnic slurs; demonstrating racial, gender, sexual orientation, or cultural bias.
  • Using threatening or abusive language, profanity or language that is intended to be, or is reasonably perceived to be, demeaning, berating, rude, threatening, intimidating, or offensive;


Victims of Discrimination, Harassment, and Disrespect

Employees who believe they have been harassed should clearly and promptly tell the offender they want them to stop the behavior. If our employees do not want to confront the offender directly or if a confrontation does not successfully end the harassment, they should immediately report the harassment to their Manager, Program Director, Human Resources representative, or any Executive team member.

Employees who Witness Discrimination, Harassment, and Disrespect

Any employee who witnesses harassment or becomes aware that another employee has been subjected to prohibited harassment is urged to report the conduct outlined above immediately.
When such actions involve non-employees, AYW will act appropriately for the circumstances. When appropriate, the company may also take any legal actions available and necessary to stop the conduct and protect the company, our employees and property.

Leadership Expectations

Any member of the leadership team who receives a complaint about harassment or believes that someone is engaging in conduct that may be prohibited harassment must immediately report it to a Human Resources representative or leadership team member. Ignoring such behavior is unacceptable and may subject the Manager to disciplinary action.


American YouthWorks strictly forbids and does not engage in any such retaliation against employees who report discrimination, harassment, disrespect, or illegal or dishonest activities or participate in internal or external investigations of discrimination, harassment, disrespect, or in good faith report violation of laws, committed by AYW or its employees to the appropriate law enforcement nor does it permit employees, and Board members to do so.

All complaints and reports will be promptly investigated. Employees are expected to participate in investigations when asked and if an investigation confirms that harassment has occurred, AYW will promptly take corrective action. Additionally, employees are required to report to the appropriate law enforcement authorities, i.e., state or local governmental entity or the federal government, if the alleged violation is related to billing for services not performed or for goods not delivered; and other fraudulent financial reporting.

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Public Notice of Non-Discrimination

Any benefits and terms and conditions of this program, are available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity or expression, political affiliation, marital or parental status, genetic information and military service. American YouthWorks policy and federal law prohibits reprisal for engaging in protected activity (reporting discrimination or harassment, participating in investigations of such allegations, or intervening to assist those who are subjected to prohibited behaviors), and it will not be tolerated. In addition to filing a complaint with local and state agencies that are responsible for resolving discrimination complaints, you may bring a complaint to the attention of the Corporation for National and Community Service. If you believe that you or others have been discriminated against, or if you want to seek advice, contact:
Equal Employment Opportunity Office (EEOP)
Corporation for National and Community Service
250 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20525
(202) 606-7503
[email protected] (email)